Bowen Poll Hereford and Angus clears all bulls

Kylie Raines16 Jul 2020, the land

 Top price Poll Hereford Bowen Porter P259 who sold for $16,000 with vendor Stephen Peake, auctioneer Paul Dooley, Nutrien Ag agent John Settree, new owner Oliver Jeffery, Eathorpe Poll Herefords, Armidale and Ray White agent Blake O’Reilly

Bids came thick and fast with standing room only at Bowen Poll Hereford and Angus sale at Barraba on Thursday.

Vendor Stephen Peake advised his Angus cows had seen more of Australia lately than he had while on agistment, but still maintained a 97 per cent fertility rate.

All 52 Angus bulls sold for an average of $11,154, which is the highest Angus sale average for the 2020 sale season and a stud record for Bowen.

Top price Angus Peakes Bowen Black Pearl P645 who sold for $28,000 with vendor Stephen Peake and new owners Jye and Chris Patterson, Heart Angus, Tamworth.

 Top price Angus Peakes Bowen Black Pearl P645 who sold for $28,000 with vendor Stephen Peake and new owners Jye and Chris Patterson, Heart Angus, Tamworth.

Peakes Bowen Black Pearl P645 sold to a top of $28,000 to Chris and Jye Patterson of Heart Angus, Tamworth.

The 38 Poll Hereford bulls sold to average $8974 with Bowen Porter P259 selling for a top of $16,000 to Oliver Jeffrey of Eathorpe Herefords, Armidale.

Bulk buyer of the Poll Hereford bulls was Okeview Pastoral of Collector who took home 10 bulls to a top of $11,000 three times and an average of $8600.

Bulk buyer of the Angus bulls was Bradley’s Flats of Black Springs who took home nine bulls, which included a Poll Hereford bull to a top of $14,000 and an average of $9889.

Stud principal Stephen Peake was very excited with the results of the sale.

The auction was conducted by Nutrien Ag Solutions and Hart Rural Agencies with Paul Dooley as auctioneer.