Stephen, Josh and Nick Peake, Bowen Stud, Barraba, Nutrien Ag Solutions’ livestock & stud stock manager, John Settree and auctioneer Paul Dooley with the $140,000 bull Bowen Soloman. Pictures by Simon Chamberlain

A 23-month-old bull has set the pace for the northern NSW Spring bull sales, knocked down for $140,000 at the Bowen Poll Hereford and Peakes Angus 28th bull sale at Barraba on Thursday.

Bowen Poll Herefords sold 42 of 43 bulls to the sale top, averaging $13,928, while the Peakes Angus bulls topped at $30,000 with 95 of 99, averaging $14,147.

Bowen co-principal Stephen Peake said the family was delighted with the sale results, with a strong mix of repeat buyers buying larger drafts and new clients with Barraba district producers buying 25 for their herds. There were 84 bidders registered for the sale.

Bowen Soloman S009 was purchased by David Lyons’ Melville Park Poll Herefords, Vasey, in the Western Districts of Victoria. The 902-kilogram bull was sired by Bowen Notorious N245 and out of Bowen Maple P228. The losing bidder was a highly-regarded Whiteface stud from the Maranoa district of Queensland, Mr Peake said.

Mr Peake described the bull as having tremendous growth and terrific calving ease” with intramuscular fat figures that were more than double the breed average. Bowen Soloman displayed estimated breeding values (EBVs) of +35 for 200-day growth, +61 for 400-day growth, and +83 for 600-day growth. The bull also showed EBVs of +3.4 for eye muscle area and +1.5 for intramuscular fat (IMF).

Mr Lyons said he’d not seen the bull physically before the sale and only relied on photographs of it and of its dam. He said his agent, John Petrie, also gave him enough information to buy Soloman S009 confidently.

“I was very impressed with the bull’s Breedplan figures, particularly his low birthweight EBV of +2.4,” Mr Lyons said. He had very good rib and rump fat EBVs and his IMF (intramuscular fat) EBV, at +0.6.” Mr Lyons said Soloman would be joined with some of the cows within his stud with high BW EBVs and used to reduce those figures.

The top-priced Angus bull was bought by Lynwood Pastoral Company, Cobbadah Station, north of Barraba, at $30,000, for Peakes Bowen Maximus S673. Sired by Tangihau Maximus 17458 and tipping the scales at 880kg, the almost two-year-old bull had terrific low birth weight EBVs at +3.1, with a high milk EBV of +22.

Trent Randall said Lynwood Pastoral Company’s commercial herd had been planning to buy at Bowen for three to four years and finally “cracked it” at Thursday’s sale. They ended up with three bulls averaging $24,000.

Volume repeat buyers were strong bidders with Okeview Farms Pty Ltd, Rockview Station, Scone bought 10 bulls from the Poll Hereford catalogue to a top of $18,000, averaging $9500. Their top-priced selection was Bowen Seth S28, a 854kg son of Bowen Magistrate M241. Seth’s Breedplan data included a +92 for 600-day growth EBv, a +1.1 EBV for IMF and a carcase weight EBV of +65.

In the Angus catalogue, Bradleys Flat Pastoral Co, near Oberon, bought eight bulls to $24,000, averaging $13,250. The top-priced bull, Peakes Bowen Regal Focus S692, a 862 kg, 23-month-old son of Peakes Bowen Regal Focus P746.

Bidgel Grazing Company, Elvanbrook, St George, Queensland, bought 10 bulls from the Angus catalogue with a top price of $22,000, averaging $12,300. The top-priced bull was the 858 kg Peakes Bowen Identity S448, with EBVs of +47 for 200-day growth, +92 for 400-day growth, and +120 for 600-day growth.

Another highlight of the day was the sale of Peakes Bowen Krakatoa S600. The entire proceeds of the bull’s sale were split three ways between the Ruby Mae Foundation, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service and the Stuart Peake Memorial Cancer Research Trust. Alan and Narelle Taylor, Bramble, Moree bought the bull with another at $10,000 for their commercial Angus herd run on an Armidale-district property.

Hollywood Pastoral Company, Crookwell, bought three Angus bulls to $26,000 averaging $20,666. Their top-priced choice was Peakes Bowen Leonardo S746, sired by Landfall Leonardo L24. It weighed 854 kg and had great EBV data of EBVs of +52 for 200-day growth, +106 for 400-day growth, and +136 for 600-day growth.

The selling agents were Nutrien Ag Solutions with Paul Dooley, the auctioneer. Auctions Plus provided the online interface.

written by The Land: Simon Chamberlain

Nick Peake, Bowen, Narelle Taylor, Bramble Moree, Hamish Hosegood Livestock and Property (front Alan Taylor, Bramble and Kim Peake, Bowen with Peakes Bowen Krakatoa S600.


Supplementary Sheet

Stud Principal

Steve Peake

Steve Peake

0427 821756

0427 821756

Click Here to email me

Stud Principal

Nick Peake

Nick Peake

0428 564515

0428 564515

Click Here to email me

Stud Principal

Josh Peake

Josh Peake

0455 614 884

0455 614 884

Click Here to email me

Agent Nutrien

John Settree

John Settree

0408 297 368

0408 297 368

Agent Nutrien

Howard Carter

Howard Carter

0438 853 965

0438 853 965


Health Notes

All bulls have been treated with:

2 x 7 in 1

2 x Vibrio Vax

Longrange – Botulism Vaccination

Zoetis Rhinogard

Bovishield MH One

Dectomax pour-on

Pestivirus: All Bulls have been tested P.I Free (Persistently Infected). All Bulls have had 2 x Pesti Guard Vaccinatins.

BEF: All Bulls have been vaccinated for 3 Day Sickness.

Johnes Biosecurity Plan: Bowen is under the JBAS Level 6 Biosecurity Plan.

Directions to Property

‘Bowen’ is situated 18kms North of Barraba.

Approximately 11kms North of Barraba on the Barraba/Bingara Rd. turn off to the West at the Forest Rd sign and the ‘Bowen’ mail box. The Bowen Bull Shed is on the right after the 5th ramp.

the airstrip is 1.6 kms South West of town. Existing effective length 3000ft. Bearings:20o 30 minutes West of North.